Nine Dot Solutions has supported Richards Bay Coal Terminal for many years. Support includes full structural and mechanical design audits of new machines, designs for upgrading of existing infrastructure, failure investigations and repair instructions, and machine monitoring.


Nine Dot Solutions has provided complete structural designs of semi-mobile and permanent sizing stations for MMD, including the design of all support structures, bins etc.

Transnet Port Terminals

Nine Dot Solutions has supported Transnet at various sites, including Richards Bay Dry Bulk Terminal and Port Elizabeth Manganese Terminal.


Based on years of engineering experience, Nine Dot can partner with KESS on audits and refurbishments of large bulk material handling machinery, such as Stackers, Reclaimers, Stacker Reclaimers, Shiploaders etc. The typical process includes an audit of the machines, and a refurbishment scope is generated. KESS is uniquely positioned to implement refurbishment designs on-site to the design intent.